Paski cos w sobie maja...Moze chodzi o to, ze jeden kolor upieksza drugi i jakims sposobem razem "zyja" w harmonii...przyjaznej mojemu oku... fajniusia sprawa... takie kolorowe paski!!!
Hi!!! Really nice to see you! Few words about me... I am a Polish girl married to an English (most wonderful) guy. I am a Psychology graduate… and don’t have that much to do with craft (-professionally-) besides that I enjoy crochet, sewing, making bead jewellery and trying anything new! I also enjoy healthy living!!! And am trying some organic veggie growing, which sometimes seems like a hard work :)
Thank you for coming and hope you’ll have a nice time looking around!
My cinema trips 2009
"Taking Of Pelham 1,2,3" - "Metro Strachu"
"Land of The Lost"
"Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince" - "Harry Potter i Ksiaze Polkrwi"
"Public Enemies" - "Wrogowie Publiczni"
"Ice Age 3" - "Epoka Lodowcowa 3"
"My sister's keeper" - "Bez mojej zgody"
"Year One"
"Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen" - "Transformers: Zemsta Upadlych"
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