I think I am becoming rather boring...but I will just quickly show you a few pics of the tomato...they are a little better than the last ones.
Po 14 dniach - After 14 days

A te zdjecia robilam dzis rano... Powinnam go przesadzic...ale w dalszym ciagu czekam na szklarnie...mamy szklarnie ale bez szkla...sam szkielet!!!
And these photos I took this morning...I should re-pot it, really but I am still waiting to finish the greenhouse...I have a greenhouse but without the glass!!!
Chyba tutaj przesadzilam z bazylia...musze je porozsadzac..i pewnie porozdawac ludziom! I z pewnoscia bede mogla zrobic duza ilosc pesto!!!
I kind of went over the top with the seeds in this basil pot... I shall spread them over few pots and give some away to people. I will definatelly have plenty of pesto to make!!!
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