Thursday, 30 April 2009
nice'y nice!!!
Last week I was one of the people who won a giveaway prize from Emma, *bagladee*. I was just so excited!!!
A little parcel arrived yesterday!!! Oh you can't imagine how exciting... I love surprises...and a surprise from a creative person... must be great!
...and just look at this!!!!!
It is such a PRETTY brooch!!!! I love it!!! It looks great on my handbags...eghm.. quite a few of them I don't know if I will be able to de-attach myself from it!
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
a gift - prezent
It was my friend's birthday last week, I really wanted to make something for her so it is more special, but with my exams approaching and voluntary work I am doing...I just could't figure much out. Then I remembered Sarah's pretty tutorial for a coin purse, which I wanted to try for a long time but didn't get a chance...and there we go! Brilliant tutorial!!!
W zeszlym tygodniu byly urodziny mojej znajomej i bardzo chcialam wykonac cos dla niej recznie, zeby bylo to cos bardziej wyjatkowego. Niestety z moimi zblizajacymi sie egzaminami i praca wolontaryjna nie mialam kiedy o tym myslec. I wtedy przypomnialam sobie o wzorze, wymyslonym przez Sare, ktory chialam od dawna wyprobowac...i prosze! Swietny wzor!!!
I also made some bracelet using a bead loom and made a little baggy so she can keep the bracelet in it.
Na dodatek zrobilam bransoletke, a jako ze uwielbiam prezentacje to uszylam takze woreczek do przechowywania bransoletki.
wlasno recznie * handmade
Thursday, 9 April 2009
a clutch
I still cannot believe what has happened the other day... I decided to try and sew a handbag...a little clutch to be precise. I am not good at sewing... I often forget how to thread a cotton in the sewing machine!!! At the same time I really wanted to give it a go... I bought some blue fabric in Ikea a while ago...and thought I would use it now. I was sure that something would go wrong at some point... since I haven't tried this before... so using an Ikea fabric sounded good for a practice... I also chose some black polka dot lining, which is a crazy combination! I drew a pattern of what I would liked it to look like (-free hand-)...and after 2 hours I could't believe my eyes!!! When I turned all that sewing effort- right side just looked as i drew it!!! It had a shape of a clutch... the magnetic clip closure was working... crazyness!!! ANYONE CAN SEW!!! I encourge you to have a go at making a clutch!!! It's a great fun.
Do tej pory nie moge w to uwierzyc... Postanowilam sprobowac uszyc torebke...malusia, fajniusia kopertowke jakby. Ja z szyciem..tak nie bardzo... czesto nawet zapominam jak sie zaklada nitke na maszyne!!!! Ale jednoczesnie bardzo chcialam sprobowac... Jakis czas temu kupilam niebieski material w Ikeii i postanowilam ze go uzyje...poniewaz bylam przekonana ze pierwsza kopertowka mi z pewnoscia do konca nie wyjdzie...a materialu z Ikeii mi nie szkoda zmarnowac...a material do srodka wybralam sobie zwyly czarny w biale groszki. I tak sobie narysowalam cos tam od reki...mniej wiecej ksztalt jaki bym chciala i sobie wycielami zszylam...i po 2 godzinach wlasnym oczom uwierzyc nie moglam!!! Wywrocilam to cos na prawo strone i wyglada tak jak chcialam!!! Ma ksztalt torebki..zapina sie jak powinno...szok!!!KAZDY MOZE SZYC!!! Zachecam do kopertowek!!! Jest to swietna zabawa.
Shame it's a little bit plain... but I may use it as my new "cinema clutch", intead of my green one (picture below), the green one is a little small and I usually have to limit the amount of things I can take with me. Anyway I hope that when I get some time..I will try again with some more colourful fabric!!! And I am looking forward to it!
Szkoda tylko, ze jest troche zwyczajna... tzn. bez super fajnych kolorkow lub ozdoby... ale pewnie uzyje ja jako moja nowa "torebke kinowa", zamiast tej zielonej (zdjecie ponizej), zielona jest troche mala i nie wiele rzeczy sie do niej miesci. Mam nadzieje, ze kiedys jak bede miala wolniejszy czas... to uszyje cos z bardziej kolorowego materialu!!! I nie moge sie juz doczekac!
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
a little tomato
Chyba powoli zaczynam przynudzac dlatego szybciutko pokazuje tylko zdjatka pomidorka...
I think I am becoming rather boring...but I will just quickly show you a few pics of the tomato...they are a little better than the last ones.
Po 14 dniach - After 14 days
A te zdjecia robilam dzis rano... Powinnam go przesadzic...ale w dalszym ciagu czekam na szklarnie...mamy szklarnie ale bez szkla...sam szkielet!!!
And these photos I took this morning...I should re-pot it, really but I am still waiting to finish the greenhouse...I have a greenhouse but without the glass!!!
Chyba tutaj przesadzilam z bazylia...musze je porozsadzac..i pewnie porozdawac ludziom! I z pewnoscia bede mogla zrobic duza ilosc pesto!!!
I kind of went over the top with the seeds in this basil pot... I shall spread them over few pots and give some away to people. I will definatelly have plenty of pesto to make!!!
roslinki * plants
Monday, 6 April 2009
od nasionek.../ from seeds...
Trzy tygodnie temu posialam kilka rzeczy, tak zeby jakos zaczac..pomimo tego ze w tym momencie brakuje mi na wszystko czasu. Posialam dwa rodzaje pomidorow, papryke slodka, papryczki chilli, koprek, bazylie i szczypiorek. I w sumie nie spodziewalam sie niczego przez dlugi czas...a tu jednak niektore pomidorki zaczynaly pokazywac sie z ziemi juz po tygodniu, co prawda nie wiele (zdjatko), ale ja lubie ten etap kiedy roslinka szybciutko nabiera sil.
I sowed few things three weeks ago, even though I am so busy I just wanted to start a little. I sowed two types of tomatoes, sweet pepper, chillies, dill, basil and chieves. I wasn't expecting anything for some time, but some of the tomatoes started comming up in just a week! Not much..but still..I like this stage where a plant gains strenght so quickly.
Po siedmiu dniach... / After seven days...
Po 11 dniach!!! / After 11 days!!!
Pozniejsze zdjecia pokaze w przyszlych postach...te byly robione komorka wiec niestety sa marnej jakosci...ale mam nadzieje ze te robione aparatem beda ladniejsze!!!
I will show later stages in the future posts...these were taken with my mobile and unfortunately are very poor quality...but hopefully the ones taken with camera will be nicer!!!
Bazylia po osmiu dniach / Basil after eight days
roslinki * plants
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