Wednesday, 27 May 2009

I am back!!!

I finally finished all assignments, projects, dissertation and exams and am study free!!!
Nareszcie oddalam wszystkie zaliczenia, projekty, prace i zakonczylam egzaminy, koniec nauki!!!

I've been so busy ever since!!!

I od tego czasu jestem zagoniona!!!

I had some weeding to do in my vegetable beds...

Musialam powyrywac chwasty z jarzynowych ogrodków...

Friday, 15 May 2009



Wednesday, 6 May 2009

looking forward to...

From the very begining, this year has been very busy for me... dissertation, a lot of my voluntary work, exams, some work on a garden...huh...the hardest thing is to persevere with it all... My health is a little bit funny and I think not getting enought rest over a long period of time...might be the reason. How I'd love to sit down and crochet something or work on my sewing "skills" (;P) many ideas..but no time... I am trying very hard to stop myself from any potential "time involvement"that would intefere with my studies... So I started this project...(amongst a few)... I thought it will be nice to have something to look forward to...when I am done with revision and stress!!